Please note that this is a downloadable digital book.
Grid-based fillers have long been a staple design element in Margaret’s quilts. Beautiful Backgrounds teaches techniques for creating nearly 75 fills, all of which utilize some type of grid. Note that this grid may be premarked in a variety of sizes or it may be from the piecing. This book teaches everything from traditional fillers based on the Japanese Sashiko patterns to more modern interpretations. The use of a grid keeps fill patterns structured and easily repeatable. Marking techniques to quilting tips are covered. The book includes over 100 color photographs and more illustrations. A special gallery of several of Margaret’s quilts is featured at the end of the book.
There are two options for this book: Paper spiral bound and Digital Download
Spiral bound. Copyright 2017. 91 pages. $35
Paper book:
Digital Book:
- sample page
- sample page
- sample quilting
Note that caries Margaret’s custom-printed grid fabric for practicing patterns from the book. Use search code “margaretsolomongunn” or “beautifulbackgrounds“. Each yard contains 48 5″ gridded squares. Fabrics are available for 1/2″ and 1” straight and point grids.